Knowledge is the key to change humans lives.

Producing knowledge and information through science is a means that helps us find solutions to the major challenges we face today at all economic, social and environmental levels. It is a means that enables us to achieve sustainable development goals and build more environmentally friendly societies. Since no country can achieve sustainable development alone, international cooperation in science plays an important role in promoting scientific knowledge and building global peace.

The Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture and Science exerts every effort to achieve its basic humanitarian mission of supporting people to understand each other and cooperate in order to lay the foundations for lasting peace.

Achievements of the Saudi National Commission for Science:

  • The Kingdom is nominated as a member of the Executive Council of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC).
  • Establishing a national committee by ministerial resolution concerned with the work of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO under the name (Oceanographic Commission).
  • Establishing a national committee concerned with the work of the Man and the Biosphere program and the Global Geoparks program affiliated with UNESCO, under the name of the Committee for Human and Biosphere Program and the Global Geoparks affiliated with UNESCO.
  • As a representative of the Arab region, the Kingdom has joined the working group on digitizing the procedures of the Man and the Biosphere Program (MAB) and developing the program database.
  • The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s candidacy for the seat of Vice-President of the UNESCO Anti-Doping Conference until 2025.
  • The Kingdom joined as a member of the Executive Committee of the Arab Network for the Man and Biosphere Program (ArabMAB).

Workshops, seminars and conferences in sectors:

A consultative workshop entitled The Red Sea, Science and Environment towards sustainable investment in Tunisia in cooperation with ALECSO.

International Conference on Open Science.

Intensive educational course on leadership skills in preserving geological heritage in the Arab region.