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Terms & Conditions

1-The terms

The website of the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science (referred to here as the "Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science" or "the website") places the information confidentiality of its users and visitors at the top of the priority list. The website administration exerts every effort to provide a high-quality service to all beneficiaries. The privacy and confidentiality of the information described below are considered part of the terms and conditions of using the commission website. The website of the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science does not collect personal information about you when you visit its website unless you specifically and knowingly choose to provide this information to us. If you choose to provide your information, we will only use it to fulfill your request for information or services in accordance with what is stated in these policies. By using the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science website, you agree to this policy of privacy and confidentiality of information. The website visitors and beneficiaries of its services must constantly review the terms and principles of privacy and confidentiality of information to be aware of any updates, bearing in mind that the website administration is not required to announce any updates made to these terms and principles. Accordingly, your use of the website means that you are informed and agree to these terms and principles and the constant modifications made to it. The website of the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science is not responsible under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, or exceptional damages arising from the use or inability to use this website.

2- Restrictions

By using the website of the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science, you agree to abstain from the following:

  • Providing or uploading files that contain software, materials, data, or other information that is not owned by you or to which you do not have a license.
  • Using this portal in any way to send any commercial or unsolicited e-mail or committing any misuse of this kind to the Commission’s portal.
  • Providing or uploading files on this portal that contain viruses or corrupted data.
  • Publishing, announcing, distributing, or circulating materials or information that contain defamation, violation of laws, pornographic or obscene material, violation of Islamic teachings or public morals, or any illegal materials or information through the Commission's portal.
  • Participating through the website of the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science in illegal or illicit activities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Advertising on the website of the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science about any product or service that puts us in violation of any law or regulation applied in any field.
  • Using any means, program, or procedure to intercept or attempt to intercept the correct operation of the Commission's portal.
  • Taking any action that imposes an unreasonable, large, or inappropriate load on the Commission portal infrastructure.

3. Links from the website of the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science

Contact links to other portals and/or websites are provided for the purpose of visitor convenience. We are not responsible for the contents or reliability of the portals and/or sites to which we link, and we do not endorse their contents. Therefore, using any of these links to access those websites or portals shall entirely be your sole responsibility. As we aim to replace broken electronic links that do not work with other sites, and since we have no dominance or control over those links, we do not guarantee in any way that these links will always work.

4. Virus protection

We exert every effort to examine and test the contents of this portal at all stages of production, and we advise you to always run an anti-virus program on all materials downloaded from the internet. We are not considered liable for any loss, interruption, or damage to your data, your computer, or any device used for browsing that may occur while connecting to this portal or when using material coming from this portal.

5. Waiver of claims

The website of the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science and the services, information, materials, and functions available on it or that can be accessed through the portal are provided for your personal use "as is" and "as available" without any acknowledgment, promises, or guarantees of any kind. We cannot guarantee or bear responsibility for any interruptions, errors, or transgressions that may arise from the use of this portal, its contents, or any site linked to it, whether knowingly or unknowingly. The user will not have the right to own any communications or information he may send through this website or the right to guarantee its confidentiality. Moreover, any use or interactive use included in this site does not guarantee or is not intended to guarantee for the user any rights, licenses, or privileges of whatsoever kind. Also, the waiver by the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science of any right available to it and specified within these conditions in one of the places or occasions shall not in any way mean an automatic and permanent waiver of any rights in other places or occasions.

6. Limitation of liability

The electronic services provided by the website of the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science via the internet and obtaining information regarding various government departments and agencies are provided only to facilitate the manual procedures. You hereby acknowledge your full awareness that communications via the internet may be subject to interference or interception by others and that the website does not replace information available through official authorities, and requests and administrative procedures can be taken directly before the competent authorities. Accordingly, resorting to this site shall remain at your own risk. We are in no way responsible for any loss or damage of any kind that you may encounter due to your use or visit to the site or your reliance on any statement, opinion, or advertisement on the site. Moreover, we are not responsible for any delay in operation, connection failure, internet access problems, equipment or software malfunctions, or the behavior or thoughts of any person accessing this site. You hereby acknowledge and agree that your sole and exclusive remedy for any damage or loss that may occur as a result of your access to or use of this site is to refrain from using or accessing it.

7. Compensation

You hereby acknowledge that you will not take any action against the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science or any of its management. Moreover, you declare that you will compensate and insure it from liability, as well as any entities, employees, or agents who are responsible for managing, maintaining, updating, or presenting the website of the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science, against all obligations and liabilities that may arise in connection with any claim arising from your breach of the terms and conditions of use or from violation of any of the laws in force, whether in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or the place where you reside.

8. Termination of Use

According to our absolute discretion, we may terminate, restrict, or suspend your right to access and use the site without notice and for any reason, including violation of the terms and conditions of use or any other conduct that we may consider to be illegal or harmful to others. In the event of termination, you will not be authorized or permitted to access this site.

9. Property rights

This site is technically supervised by the Information Technology Department, which is a department affiliated with the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science. All materials available on this site, including graphics, information, and software (contents), are protected by copyright, trademarks, and other forms of proprietary rights. Since one of the main goals of the site is to increase awareness and enrich the culture of the website’s users and visitors, only personal users and non-profits are allowed to benefit from the website's content and any information published on it. However, it is necessary to point out that the website of the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science is the source of that content and information. On the other hand, it is not permissible in any way to sell, license, rent, modify, copy, reproduce, reprint, upload, advertise, transmit, distribute, display publicly, edit, or create derivative works from any materials or contents contained in this website to the public or for commercial purposes without obtaining prior written approval from the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science. Any modification to any of the website's contents is strictly prohibited. Additionally, the graphics and images on this website are protected by copyrights, and they may not be reproduced or used in any way without prior written approval from the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science.

10. Judicial reference

You hereby agree to be subject exclusively to the judicial authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with regard to all claims and disputes arising from your use of this website. Knowing that the Arabic language will be the official language used to resolve any disputes arising from your use of the website or any of its contents.

11. General terms and conditions

  • All materials and information available on the website are awareness-raising and non-profit.
  • The Arabic language is the primary language for using the website and benefiting from all the materials published on it. Translating any of these materials is intended to provide an added service. Accordingly, the available translation should not be relied upon to interpret any disagreement regarding the content contained on the website.
  • All regulations and laws published on the website, whether those of the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science or other bodies, may be subject to translation to interpret their meanings with the aim of increasing benefit. However, the Arabic text of all these regulations and laws constitutes the basic reference. Accordingly, it is in no way possible to rely on its interpretive translation to extract any information or details.
  • The website includes a number of electronic participation channels and tools, such as forums, opinion polls, comments on everything published, blogs, a voting system, visitor comments, personal subscriptions, mobile phone messages, and free phone services around the clock.
  • The website administration has set a number of standards and restrictions for the use of all electronic participation channels to ensure achieving the highest benefit desired from the principle of electronic participation. Your use of these channels shall constitute permanent approval of the standards and restrictions for their use.
  • The Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science has the full right to delete or not publish any comments or contributions of site users that the site administration deems inappropriate.
  • You can acquaint yourself with all the standards and restrictions for using electronic participation channels through this page.
  • If you have any inquiries or opinions about the terms of privacy and disclaimer, you can contact the portal administration via the contact form on the Contact Us page.